Annotation Interface Automatic

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(METHOD) public @interface Automatic
Annotation which can be applied to the last column of a primary key, indicating that it should be automatically generated when not explicitly provided. The column type can only be a primitive int or long, and they are assigned randomly and sequentially generated values. The effective range is clamped to be within the bounds of the column type, and zero is never generated.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The maximum value to generate, inclusive.
    The minimum value to generate, inclusive.
  • Element Details

    • min

      long min
      The minimum value to generate, inclusive. If the column type is an int, the actual minimum won't be lower than the minimum int value. The minimum value can be negative, although zero will never be generated. If the column type is unsigned, negative values wraparound to the high positive range.
    • max

      long max
      The maximum value to generate, inclusive. If the column type is an int, the actual maximum won't be higher than the maximum int value.