Interface Index

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, View

public interface Index extends View, Closeable
Mapping of keys to values, ordered by key, in lexicographical order. Although Java bytes are signed, they are treated as unsigned for ordering purposes. The natural order of an index cannot be changed.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • id

      long id()
      randomly assigned, unique non-zero identifier for this index
    • name

      byte[] name()
      unique user-specified index name
    • nameString

      String nameString()
      name decoded as UTF-8
    • asTable

      <R> Table<R> asTable(Class<R> type) throws IOException
      Returns a Table instance which stores rows in this index. Bypassing the Table and storing directly into this index should be avoided, since it interferes with row encoding. Mixing encoding strategies can cause data corruption.
      shared Table instance
      See Also:
    • evict

      long evict(Transaction txn, byte[] lowKey, byte[] highKey, Filter evictionFilter, boolean autoload) throws IOException
      Select a few entries, and delete them from the index. Implementation should attempt to evict entries which haven't been recently used, but it might select them at random.
      txn - optional
      lowKey - inclusive lowest key in the evictable range; pass null for open range
      highKey - exclusive highest key in the evictable range; pass null for open range
      evictionFilter - callback which determines which entries are allowed to be evicted; pass null to evict all selected entries
      autoload - pass true to also load values and pass them to the filter
      sum of the key and value lengths which were evicted, or 0 if none were evicted
    • analyze

      IndexStats analyze(byte[] lowKey, byte[] highKey) throws IOException
      Estimates the size of this index with a single random probe. To improve the estimate, average several analysis results together.
      lowKey - inclusive lowest key in the analysis range; pass null for open range
      highKey - exclusive highest key in the analysis range; pass null for open range
    • verify

      boolean verify(VerificationObserver observer, int numThreads) throws IOException
      Verifies the integrity of the index. Using multiple threads speeds up verification, even though some nodes might be visited multiple times.
      observer - optional observer; pass null for default
      numThreads - pass 0 for default, or if negative, the actual number will be (-numThreads * availableProcessors).
      true if verification passed
    • close

      void close() throws IOException
      Closes this index reference. The underlying index is still valid and can be re-opened, unless it's a temporary index.

      In general, indexes should not be closed if they are referenced by active transactions. Although closing the index is safe, the transaction might re-open it.

      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable
      See Also:
    • isClosed

      boolean isClosed()
    • drop

      void drop() throws IOException
      Fully closes and removes an empty index. An exception is thrown if the index isn't empty or if an in-progress transaction is modifying it.
      IllegalStateException - if index isn't empty or if any pending transactional changes exist
      ClosedIndexException - if this index reference is closed
      See Also: