Uses of Interface

Packages that use Table
See Database to get started with TuplDB.
  • Uses of Table in org.cojen.tupl

    Methods in org.cojen.tupl that return Table
    Modifier and Type
    default <T> Table<T>
    Table.aggregate(Class<T> targetType, Aggregator.Factory<R,T> factory)
    Returns a view backed by this table, consisting of aggregate rows, which are grouped by the primary key of the target type.
    <R> Table<R>
    Index.asTable(Class<R> type)
    Returns a Table instance which stores rows in this index.
    static <T> Table<T>
    Table.concat(Class<T> targetType, Table<?>... sources)
    Returns a view consisting of all rows from the given source tables concatenated together, possibly resulting in duplicate rows.
    static Table<Row>
    Table.concat(Table<?>... sources)
    Returns a view consisting of all rows from the given source tables concatenated together, possibly resulting in duplicate rows.
    <D> Table<D>
    Table.derive(Class<D> derivedType, String query, Object... args)
    Returns a view backed by this table, specified by a fully-featured query expression.
    Table.derive(String query, Object... args)
    Returns a view backed by this table, specified by a fully-featured query expression.
    Returns a view of this table which has duplicate rows filtered out.
    default <R> Table<R>
    Database.findTable(Class<R> type)
    Convenience method which returns a Table that uses the index named by the row type itself.
    default <T> Table<T> groupBy, String orderBy, Class<T> targetType, Grouper.Factory<R,T> factory)
    Returns a view backed by this table, which processes groups of source rows into groups of target rows.
    static Table<Row>
    Returns an unmodifiable table consisting of one row with no columns, representing the identity element when joining an empty set of tables.
    static <J> Table<J>
    Table.join(Class<J> joinType, String spec, Table<?>... tables)
    Joins tables together into an unmodifiable view.
    static Table<Row>
    Table.join(String spec, Table<?>... tables)
    Joins tables together into a generated join type class.
    default <T> Table<T><T> targetType)
    Returns a view backed by this table, whose rows have been mapped to target rows, applying any necessary column value conversions.
    default <T> Table<T><T> targetType, Mapper<R,T> mapper)
    Returns a view backed by this table, whose rows have been mapped to target rows.
    default <J> Table<J>
    Database.openJoinTable(Class<J> joinType, String spec)
    Convenience method which joins tables together, opening them if necessary.
    default <R> Table<R>
    Database.openTable(Class<R> type)
    Convenience method which returns a Table that uses the index named by the row type itself.
    Methods in org.cojen.tupl with parameters of type Table
    Modifier and Type
    default void
    Mapper.checkDelete(Table<R> table, R row)
    Checks if the given source row can be deleted from the source table.
    default void
    Mapper.checkStore(Table<R> table, R row)
    Checks if the given source row can be stored into the source table.
    default void
    Mapper.checkUpdate(Table<R> table, R row)
    Checks if the given source row can be updated into the source table.
    static <T> Table<T>
    Table.concat(Class<T> targetType, Table<?>... sources)
    Returns a view consisting of all rows from the given source tables concatenated together, possibly resulting in duplicate rows.
    static Table<Row>
    Table.concat(Table<?>... sources)
    Returns a view consisting of all rows from the given source tables concatenated together, possibly resulting in duplicate rows.
    static <J> Table<J>
    Table.join(Class<J> joinType, String spec, Table<?>... tables)
    Joins tables together into an unmodifiable view.
    static Table<Row>
    Table.join(String spec, Table<?>... tables)
    Joins tables together into a generated join type class.