Interface Replicator.Accessor

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable
All Known Subinterfaces:
MessageReplicator.Reader, MessageReplicator.Writer, Replicator.Reader, Replicator.Writer, StreamReplicator.Reader, StreamReplicator.Writer
Enclosing interface:

public static interface Replicator.Accessor extends Closeable
Direct interface for accessing replication data, for a given term.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Install a callback which receives a stream of commit position updates.
    Returns the current term commit position, which might be lower than the start position.
    Returns the next log position which will be accessed.
    Returns the fixed term being accessed.
    Returns the current term end position, which is Long.MAX_VALUE if unbounded.
    Returns the position at the start of the term.
    uponCommit(long position, LongConsumer task)
    Invokes the given task when the commit position reaches the requested position.
    waitForCommit(long position, long nanosTimeout)
    Blocks until the commit position reaches the given position.
    default long
    waitForEndCommit(long nanosTimeout)
    Blocks until the commit position reaches the end of the term.
  • Method Details

    • term

      long term()
      Returns the fixed term being accessed.
    • termStartPosition

      long termStartPosition()
      Returns the position at the start of the term.
    • termEndPosition

      long termEndPosition()
      Returns the current term end position, which is Long.MAX_VALUE if unbounded. The end position is always permitted to retreat, but never lower than the commit position.
    • position

      long position()
      Returns the next log position which will be accessed.
    • commitPosition

      long commitPosition()
      Returns the current term commit position, which might be lower than the start position.
    • addCommitListener

      void addCommitListener(LongConsumer listener)
      Install a callback which receives a stream of commit position updates. Each update is guaranteed to be higher than the previous one. When the received position is -1, the term has ended, and no further updates are received. The listener implementation should avoid prolonged blocking of the calling thread, or else the replicator can stall.
      NullPointerException - if listener is null
    • uponCommit

      void uponCommit(long position, LongConsumer task)
      Invokes the given task when the commit position reaches the requested position. The current commit position is passed to the task, which is -1 if the term ended before the position could be reached. If the task can be run when this method is called, then the current thread invokes it immediately.
    • waitForCommit

      long waitForCommit(long position, long nanosTimeout) throws InterruptedIOException
      Blocks until the commit position reaches the given position.
      nanosTimeout - relative nanosecond time to wait; infinite if <0
      current commit position, or -1 if deactivated before the position could be reached, or -2 if timed out
    • waitForEndCommit

      default long waitForEndCommit(long nanosTimeout) throws InterruptedIOException
      Blocks until the commit position reaches the end of the term.
      nanosTimeout - relative nanosecond time to wait; infinite if <0
      current commit position, or -1 if closed before the position could be reached, or -2 if timed out
    • close

      void close()
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
      Specified by:
      close in interface Closeable