Serialized Form
Package org.cojen.tupl
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.CacheExhaustedException
class CacheExhaustedException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ChecksumException
class ChecksumException extends CorruptDatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
long mComputed
long mStored
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ClosedIndexException
class ClosedIndexException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ConfirmationFailureException
class ConfirmationFailureException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ConfirmationInterruptedException
class ConfirmationInterruptedException extends ConfirmationFailureException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ConfirmationTimeoutException
class ConfirmationTimeoutException extends ConfirmationFailureException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
long mNanosTimeout
TimeUnit mUnit
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ConversionException
class ConversionException extends RuntimeException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.CorruptDatabaseException
class CorruptDatabaseException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseException
class DatabaseException extends IOException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseFullException
class DatabaseFullException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
class DeadlockException extends LockTimeoutException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
boolean mGuilty
Set<DeadlockInfo> mSet
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.DeletedIndexException
class DeletedIndexException extends ClosedIndexException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.IllegalUpgradeException
class IllegalUpgradeException extends LockFailureException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.IncompleteRestoreException
class IncompleteRestoreException extends CorruptDatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.InvalidTransactionException
class InvalidTransactionException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.LargeKeyException
class LargeKeyException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
long mLength
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.LargeValueException
class LargeValueException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
long mLength
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.LockFailureException
class LockFailureException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.LockInterruptedException
class LockInterruptedException extends LockFailureException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.LockTimeoutException
class LockTimeoutException extends LockFailureException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.NoSuchRowException
class NoSuchRowException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.NoSuchValueException
class NoSuchValueException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
class QueryException extends IllegalArgumentException implements Serializable-
Serialized Fields
int mEndPos
int mStartPos
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.SchemaChangeException
class SchemaChangeException extends IllegalStateException implements Serializable -
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.UniqueConstraintException
class UniqueConstraintException extends ViewConstraintException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.UnmodifiableReplicaException
class UnmodifiableReplicaException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.UnmodifiableViewException
class UnmodifiableViewException extends ViewConstraintException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 2L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.UnpositionedCursorException
class UnpositionedCursorException extends IllegalStateException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.UnsetColumnException
class UnsetColumnException extends IllegalStateException implements Serializable -
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.ViewConstraintException
class ViewConstraintException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.WriteFailureException
class WriteFailureException extends DatabaseException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Package org.cojen.tupl.diag
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.DatabaseStats
class DatabaseStats extends Object implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
long cachePages
The current size of the cache, in pages. -
long checkpointDuration
The time duration required for the last checkpoint to complete, in milliseconds. If no checkpoints are running, then zero is returned. -
long cursorCount
The amount of cursors which are in a non-reset state. An accumulation of cursors can indicate that they are not being reset properly. -
long dirtyPages
The count of pages which are dirty (need to be written with a checkpoint). -
long freePages
The amount of unused pages in the database. -
long lockCount
The amount of locks currently allocated. Locks are created as transactions access or modify records, and they are destroyed when transactions exit or reset. An accumulation of locks can indicate that transactions are not being reset properly. -
int openIndexes
The amount of indexes currently open. -
int pageSize
The allocation page size -
long replicationBacklog
The amount of log bytes that a replica must apply to be fully caught up to the leader. If the member is currently the leader, then the backlog is zero. -
long totalPages
The total amount of pages in the database. -
long transactionCount
The amount of fully-established transactions which are in a non-reset state. This value is unaffected by transactions which make no changes, and it is also unaffected by auto-commit transactions. An accumulation of transactions can indicate that they are not being reset properly.
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.IndexStats
class IndexStats extends Object implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
double entryCount
The estimated number of index entries. -
double freeBytes
The estimated amount of free bytes in the index. -
double keyBytes
The estimated amount of bytes occupied by keys in the index. -
double totalBytes
The estimated total amount of bytes in the index. -
double valueBytes
The estimated amount of bytes occupied by values in the index.
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan
class QueryPlan extends Object implements Serializable -
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Aggregator
class Aggregator extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Concat
class Concat extends QueryPlan.Set implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.DisjointUnion
class DisjointUnion extends QueryPlan.Union implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Empty
class Empty extends QueryPlan.Set implements Serializable -
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Exists
class Exists extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
QueryPlan source
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Filter
class Filter extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.FullScan
class FullScan extends QueryPlan.Scan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Grouper
class Grouper extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.GroupSort
class GroupSort extends QueryPlan.Sort implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
String[] groupColumns
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Identity
class Identity extends QueryPlan implements Serializable -
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.LoadOne
class LoadOne extends QueryPlan.Table implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
String filter
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Mapper
class Mapper extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.MergeConcat
class MergeConcat extends QueryPlan.Concat implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.MergeUnion
class MergeUnion extends QueryPlan.Union implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NaturalJoin
class NaturalJoin extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin
class NestedLoopsJoin extends QueryPlan.Set implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin.Level
class Level extends QueryPlan implements Serializable -
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.PrimaryJoin
class PrimaryJoin extends QueryPlan.NaturalJoin implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
String table
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.RangeScan
class RangeScan extends QueryPlan.Scan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.RangeUnion
class RangeUnion extends QueryPlan.Union implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Scan
class Scan extends QueryPlan.Table implements Serializable-
Serialized Fields
boolean reverse
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Set
class Set extends QueryPlan implements Serializable-
Serialized Fields
QueryPlan[] sources
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Sort
class Sort extends QueryPlan implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Table
class Table extends QueryPlan implements Serializable -
Class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Union
class Union extends QueryPlan.Set implements Serializable
Package org.cojen.tupl.repl
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.repl.InvalidReadException
class InvalidReadException extends IllegalStateException implements Serializable -
Exception Class org.cojen.tupl.repl.JoinException
class JoinException extends IOException implements Serializable- serialVersionUID:
- 1L
Serialized Fields
SocketAddress mAddress