Class DatabaseStats
- All Implemented Interfaces:
Collection of database statistics.
- See Also:
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionlong
The current size of the cache, in pages.long
The time duration required for the last checkpoint to complete, in milliseconds.long
The amount of cursors which are in a non-reset state.long
The count of pages which are dirty (need to be written with a checkpoint).long
The amount of unused pages in the database.long
The amount of locks currently
The amount of indexes currently
The allocation page sizelong
The amount of log bytes that a replica must apply to be fully caught up to the leader.long
The total amount of pages in the database.long
The amount of fully-established transactions which are in a non-reset state. -
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Field Details
public int pageSizeThe allocation page size -
public long freePagesThe amount of unused pages in the database. -
public long totalPagesThe total amount of pages in the database. -
public long cachePagesThe current size of the cache, in pages. -
public long dirtyPagesThe count of pages which are dirty (need to be written with a checkpoint). -
public int openIndexesThe amount of indexes currently open. -
public long lockCountThe amount of locks currently allocated. Locks are created as transactions access or modify records, and they are destroyed when transactions exit or reset. An accumulation of locks can indicate that transactions are not being reset properly. -
public long cursorCountThe amount of cursors which are in a non-reset state. An accumulation of cursors can indicate that they are not being reset properly. -
public long transactionCountThe amount of fully-established transactions which are in a non-reset state. This value is unaffected by transactions which make no changes, and it is also unaffected by auto-commit transactions. An accumulation of transactions can indicate that they are not being reset properly. -
public long checkpointDurationThe time duration required for the last checkpoint to complete, in milliseconds. If no checkpoints are running, then zero is returned. -
public long replicationBacklogThe amount of log bytes that a replica must apply to be fully caught up to the leader. If the member is currently the leader, then the backlog is zero.
Constructor Details
public DatabaseStats()
Method Details