All Classes and Interfaces

Interface which processes groups of rows into aggregate results.
Is used to generate a new Aggregator instance for every query against the target table.
Annotation which defines an alternate set of columns that uniquely identify a row instance.
Annotation which can be applied to the last column of a primary key, indicating that it should be automatically generated when not explicitly provided.
Thrown when the database cache is full and no more data can be loaded into it.
Implements a specialized cache for supporting object canonicalization.
Closeable interface which allows a failure cause to be specified.
Thrown when a page of data from the database is detected as being corrupt because the stored checksum doesn't match what was freshly computed.
Crypto implementation which uses Cipher and defaults to the AES algorithm.
Thrown when attempting to access or modify the contents of an index through a closed reference.
A clutch is a specialized latch which can support highly concurrent shared requests, under the assumption that exclusive requests are infrequent.
Sharable object for supporting contended clutches.
Represents an operation which accepts a column name and value.
Represents an operation which combines two values that map to the same key.
Defines a callback which is notified when a pending transaction has finished.
Simple database file compaction utility.
Index compaction observer.
Thrown when replication cannot be confirmed.
Thrown when replication confirmation was interrupted by another thread.
Thrown when replication confirmation timed out.
Thrown when converting the value of a row column would result in data loss.
Thrown when the internal structure of the database is corrupt.
Support for encrypting an entire database.
Maintains a logical position in a View.
Handler for custom transactional operations.
Primary database interface, containing a collection of transactional indexes.
Configuration options used when opening a database.
Exception thrown which indicates a database problem not due to general I/O problems.
Thrown when database is full and no more data can be stored into it.
Collection of database statistics.
Thrown when a lock request by a transaction timed out due to a deadlock, or a trivial deadlock was quickly detected.
Lock request which was in a deadlock.
Thrown when attempting to access or modify the contents of an index which was deleted.
Various transaction durability modes, which control the durability strength of committed transactions.
Defines a row type consisting of a simple binary key-value pair.
Listener which receives notifications of actions being performed by the database.
Defines the various types of events that an EventListener can receive.
Event type category.
Lowest I/O interface to a file or device.
Basic PageArray implementation which accesses a file.
View transformer which filters out entries which don't belong.
Interface which processes groups of rows into other groups of rows.
Is used to generate a new Grouper instance for every query against the target table.
Common interfaces for handlers.
Annotation which hides a column from a row's generated toString method.
Thrown when attempting to acquire an upgradable or exclusive lock when a shared lock is already held.
Thrown when opening a database which wasn't completely restored.
Mapping of keys to values, ordered by key, in lexicographical order.
Collection of stats from the analyze method.
Thrown when attempting to read from a log at a position that doesn't exist.
Thrown when acting upon a broken transaction instance.
Thrown when unable to join a replication group.
Thrown when attempting to load a key which cannot fit into memory.
Thrown when attempting to load a value which cannot fit into memory.
Non-reentrant read-write latch, designed for throughput over fairness.
Manages a queue of waiting threads, associated with a Latch instance.
Options when setting the file length.
Utility for sharing a small set of poolable objects (like buffers) which have thread affinity.
Entry within a LocalPool.
Thrown when a lock request by a transaction failed.
Thrown when a lock request by a transaction was interrupted by another thread.
Various lock modes for use within transactions.
Result code returned by transactional operations which acquire locks.
Thrown when a lock request by a transaction timed out.
Defines transaction lock upgrade behavior when using the REPEATABLE_READ lock mode.
PageArray implementation which accesses a fixed sized file, fully mapped to memory.
Interface for mapping source rows to target rows.
Message-oriented replication interface, which is a bit easier to use than StreamReplicator.
Interface called by any group member for reading committed messages.
Interface called by the group leader for proposing messages.
Thrown when attempting to read or write against a nonexistent row which was expected to exist.
Thrown when reading from an accessor stream, for a value which doesn't exist.
Annotation which indicates that a column value can be null.
Open options for FilePageArray.
Describes entry ordering in views and cursors.
Defines a persistent, array of fixed sized pages.
Compresses and decompresses pages.
Alternative to directly using LockSupport for parking and unparking threads, which is much faster when threads are parked briefly.
Handler for prepared transactions.
Annotation which defines the set of columns that uniquely identify a row instance.
Represents a sharable object which performs a query against a table.
Thrown when a query expression is malformed.
A query plan tree structure.
Query plan node which applies aggregation.
Query plan node which represents a concatenated set of plans.
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans, where each source plan only produces rows which aren't produced by the other sources.
Query plan node which represents an empty set.
Query plan node which only checks for the existance of at least one row.
Query plan node which filters out rows.
Query plan node which scans all rows of a table.
Query plan node which applies grouping.
Query plan node which sorts rows within a group.
Query plan node which represents a single row with no columns.
Query plan node which loads at most one row from a table.
Query plan node which applies custom row mapping and filtering.
Query plan node which represents a concatenated set of plans which have an explicit ordering, and source rows are compared to each other to maintain the ordering.
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans which have an common ordering, and rows are compared to each other for eliminating duplicates.
Query plan node which joins a target to a source based on a common set of columns.
Query plan node which represents a nested loop join.
Query plan node which joins index rows to primary rows.
Query plan node which scans a range of rows from a table.
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans, where each source plan is limited to a range, and all sources produce rows in the same order.
Query plan node which scans a table.
Query plan node which represents a set of plans.
Query plan node which sorts the rows.
Query plan node which accesses rows from a table.
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans.
Simple command-line tool to remove replication group members.
Defines common features available to all types of replicators.
Direct interface for accessing replication data, for a given term.
Direct interface for reading from a replicator, for a given term.
Direct interface for writing to a replicator, for a given term.
Configuration options used when opening a replicator.
Supported membership roles.
Optional interface that rows can extend for supporting reflection-style access to columns.
Implements an unbounded pool of daemon threads which automatically exit when idle.
Support for scanning through all rows in a table.
Thrown when attempting to alter a primary key, an alternate key, or a secondary index.
Annotation which a defines secondary search index within a table.
Controls remote access into a database.
Opens a database and then calls shutdown.
Control object used to capture a database snapshot.
Receiver-side object for controlling the transmission of a database snapshot to a new group member.
Sender-side object for controlling the transmission of a database snapshot to a new group member.
Utility for sorting and filling up new indexes.
Combines PageArrays together in a sequential fashion.
Low-level replication interface, which receives messages in a non-delineated stream.
Interface called by any group member for reading committed messages.
Interface called by the group leader for proposing messages.
PageArray implementation which stripes pages in a RAID 0 fashion.
Defines a relational collection of persistent rows.
Defines a logical unit of work.
Interface which supports filtering and transforming the entries within a View.
Thrown when a row store operation would create a conflicting key.
Thrown when attempting to make changes to a read-only replica.
Thrown when attempting to make a change to an index or view which doesn't permit modifications.
Exception thrown when acting on a Cursor which doesn't have a position defined.
Thrown when attempting to read a row column which doesn't have anything assigned to it.
Annotation which indicates that a primitive column type be treated as an unsigned type.
Annotation which indicates that an inverse mapping function doesn't transform the value.
Support for scanning through all rows in a table, updating them along the way.
Generic data and I/O utility methods.
Accesses database values without requiring that they be fully loaded or stored in a single operation.
Index verification observer.
Simple database verification utility.
Mapping of keys to values, in no particular order.
Thrown when attempting to perform an illegal view alteration.
Utility for sharing a small set of poolable objects (like buffers) which are weakly referenced.
An entry which weakly references a pooled object.
Non-reentrant latch implementation which supports highly concurrent shared requests, but exclusive requests are more expensive.
Simple task worker which has at most one background thread, and is expected to have only one thread enqueuing tasks.
One-shot worker task instance.
A group of workers for running tasks.
Thrown when writing to the underlying storage device failed.