All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- query(String) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a query for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
- Query<R> - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Represents a sharable object which performs a query against a table.
- queryAll() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a query for all rows of this table.
- QueryException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when a query expression is malformed.
- QueryException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
- QueryException(String, int) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
- QueryException(String, int, int) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
- QueryException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
- QueryException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
- QueryPlan - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
A query plan tree structure.
- QueryPlan.Aggregator - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which applies aggregation.
- QueryPlan.Concat - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a concatenated set of plans.
- QueryPlan.DisjointUnion - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans, where each source plan only produces rows which aren't produced by the other sources.
- QueryPlan.Empty - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents an empty set.
- QueryPlan.Exists - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which only checks for the existance of at least one row.
- QueryPlan.Filter - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which filters out rows.
- QueryPlan.FullScan - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which scans all rows of a table.
- QueryPlan.Grouper - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which applies grouping.
- QueryPlan.GroupSort - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which sorts rows within a group.
- QueryPlan.Identity - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a single row with no columns.
- QueryPlan.LoadOne - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which loads at most one row from a table.
- QueryPlan.Mapper - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which applies custom row mapping and filtering.
- QueryPlan.MergeConcat - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a concatenated set of plans which have an explicit ordering, and source rows are compared to each other to maintain the ordering.
- QueryPlan.MergeUnion - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans which have an common ordering, and rows are compared to each other for eliminating duplicates.
- QueryPlan.NaturalJoin - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which joins a target to a source based on a common set of columns.
- QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a nested loop join.
- QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin.Level - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
- QueryPlan.PrimaryJoin - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which joins index rows to primary rows.
- QueryPlan.RangeScan - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which scans a range of rows from a table.
- QueryPlan.RangeUnion - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans, where each source plan is limited to a range, and all sources produce rows in the same order.
- QueryPlan.Scan - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which scans a table.
- QueryPlan.Set - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a set of plans.
- QueryPlan.Sort - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which sorts the rows.
- QueryPlan.Table - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which accesses rows from a table.
- QueryPlan.Union - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Query plan node which represents a union set of plans.
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form