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Database - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Primary database interface, containing a collection of transactional indexes.
DatabaseConfig - Class in org.cojen.tupl
Configuration options used when opening a database.
DatabaseConfig() - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
DatabaseException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Exception thrown which indicates a database problem not due to general I/O problems.
DatabaseException() - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseException
DatabaseException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseException
DatabaseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseException
DatabaseException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseException
DatabaseFullException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when database is full and no more data can be stored into it.
DatabaseFullException() - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseFullException
DatabaseFullException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseFullException
DatabaseFullException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseFullException
DatabaseFullException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseFullException
DatabaseStats - Class in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Collection of database statistics.
DatabaseStats() - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.diag.DatabaseStats
dataFile(File) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Set the data file for the database, which by default resides in the same directory as the base file.
dataFiles(File...) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Stripe the database data file across several files, expected to be on separate devices.
dataPageArray(Supplier<? extends PageArray>) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Use a custom storage layer instead of the default data file.
dataPageArray(PageArray) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Use a custom storage layer instead of the default data file.
DEADLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.LockResult
Lock rejection caused by deadlock.
DeadlockException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when a lock request by a transaction timed out due to a deadlock, or a trivial deadlock was quickly detected.
DeadlockException(long) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
DeadlockException(long, Object, boolean) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
DeadlockException(long, Object, boolean, Set<DeadlockInfo>) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
DeadlockInfo - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.diag
Lock request which was in a deadlock.
deadlockSet() - Method in exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType.Category
General debug category.
DEBUG - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType
General debug event type.
debugOpen(PrintStream, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Opens the database in read-only mode for debugging purposes, and then closes it.
decodeIntBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 32-bit integer, in big-endian format.
decodeIntLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 32-bit integer, in little-endian format.
decodeLongBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 64-bit integer, in big-endian format.
decodeLongLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 64-bit integer, in little-endian format.
decodeShortBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 16-bit integer, in big-endian format.
decodeShortLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 16-bit integer, in little-endian format.
decodeUnsignedInt48BE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 48-bit unsigned integer, in big-endian format.
decodeUnsignedInt48LE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 48-bit unsigned integer, in little-endian format.
decodeUnsignedIntBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 32-bit unsigned integer, in big-endian format.
decodeUnsignedIntLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 32-bit unsigned integer, in little-endian format.
decodeUnsignedShortBE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 16-bit unsigned integer, in big-endian format.
decodeUnsignedShortLE(byte[], int) - Static method in class
Decodes a 16-bit unsigned integer, in little-endian format.
decompress(byte[], int, int, long, int, int) - Method in interface
Decompress to a raw memory address.
decrement(byte[], int, int) - Static method in class
Subtracts one from an unsigned integer, represented as a byte array.
decryptPage(long, int, long, int) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ext.Crypto
Called by multiple threads to decrypt a fixed-size database page.
decryptPage(long, int, long, int, long, int) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
decryptPage(long, int, long, int, long, int) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ext.Crypto
Called by multiple threads to decrypt a fixed-size database page.
delete() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Deletes the value for the current entry, leaving the position unchanged.
delete() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Updater
Delete the current row and then step to the next row.
delete(File) - Static method in class
Attempt to delete file, throwing an IOException if the delete failed and the file still exists.
delete(Transaction, byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.View
Unconditionally removes the entry associated with the given key.
delete(Transaction, R) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Unconditionally removes an existing row by primary key.
delete(R) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Updater
Delete the current row and then step to the next row.
deleteAll(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Deletes all rows specified by this query.
DeletedIndexException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when attempting to access or modify the contents of an index which was deleted.
DeletedIndexException() - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeletedIndexException
deleteIndex(Index) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Fully closes and deletes the given index, but does not immediately reclaim the pages it occupied.
DELETION - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType.Category
Index deletion event category.
DELETION_BEGIN - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType
Signals that deletion of an index has begun.
DELETION_COMPLETE - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType
Signals that deletion of an index has completed.
DELETION_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType
Signals that deletion of an index has failed.
derive(Class<D>, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a view backed by this table, specified by a fully-featured query expression.
derive(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a view backed by this table, specified by a fully-featured query expression.
DESCENDING - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.Ordering
destroy(DatabaseConfig) - Static method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Delete the contents of an existing database, and replace it with an empty one.
DIRECT_IO - Enum constant in enum class
All file I/O should be durable and bypass the file system cache, if possible.
directPageAccess(boolean) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
direct page access is always enabled
directPageAddress(long) - Method in class
directPageAddress(long) - Method in class
directPageAddress(long) - Method in class
directPageAddress(long) - Method in class
directPageSize() - Method in class
directPageSize() - Method in class
Returns a positive page size if not using direct I/O, else negate to get the page size to allocate for direct I/O.
directPageSize() - Method in class
directPageSize() - Method in class
dirSync(File) - Static method in class
Durably flushes the given directory, if required.
dirtyPage(long) - Method in class
Indicate that the contents of the given page will be modified.
dirtyPages - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.DatabaseStats
The count of pages which are dirty (need to be written with a checkpoint).
discard() - Static method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Combiner
Returns a Combiner that discards both values (always returns null).
discard() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.WeakPool.Entry
Discard the entry from the pool instead of releasing it.
DisjointUnion(QueryPlan...) - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.DisjointUnion
distinct() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a view of this table which has duplicate rows filtered out.
divide(double) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.IndexStats
Divide the stats by a scalar into a new object.
divideAndRound(double) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.IndexStats
Divide the stats by a scalar and round to whole numbers into a new object.
downgrade() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Latch
Downgrade the held exclusive latch into a shared latch.
downgrade(boolean) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Clutch
Downgrade the held exclusive latch with the option to try switching to contended mode.
drop() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Index
Fully closes and removes an empty index.
durabilityMode() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Transaction
Returns the durability mode of this transaction.
durabilityMode(DurabilityMode) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Set the default transaction durability mode, which is SYNC if not overridden.
durabilityMode(DurabilityMode) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Transaction
Sets the durability mode for the entire transaction, not just the current scope.
DurabilityMode - Enum Class in org.cojen.tupl
Various transaction durability modes, which control the durability strength of committed transactions.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form