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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


Scanner<R> - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Support for scanning through all rows in a table.
scannerPlan(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a query plan used by newScanner.
SchemaChangeException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when attempting to alter a primary key, an alternate key, or a secondary index.
SchemaChangeException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.SchemaChangeException
second() - Static method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Combiner
Returns a Combiner that chooses the second value and discards the first value.
SecondaryIndex - Annotation Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Annotation which a defines secondary search index within a table.
secretKey() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
Provides access to the generated secret key.
senderAddress() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.SnapshotReceiver
Member address which is sending the snapshot.
separate(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Combiner
Separates a combined result, for use when storing a value into a view which uses this combiner.
Server - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Controls remote access into a database.
serverSocketFactory(ServerSocketFactory) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.repl.ReplicatorConfig
Set a factory for creating new server-side sockets.
set(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a boolean value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, boolean[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a boolean array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, byte) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a byte value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a byte array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, char) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a char value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, char[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a char array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, double) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a double value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, double[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a double array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, float) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a float value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, float[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a float array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, int) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets an int value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, int[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets an int array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a long value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, long[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a long array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, short) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a short value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, short[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a short array value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Boolean value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Byte) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Byte value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Character) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Character value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Double) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Double value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Float) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Float value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Integer) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets an Integer value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Long value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, Short) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a Short value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, String) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a String value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a BigDecimal value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
set(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Row
Sets a BigInteger value for the given column name, performing a conversion if necessary.
SHARED - Static variable in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Latch
shortMessage() - Method in exception class org.cojen.tupl.DeadlockException
shutdown() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Cleanly closes the database, ensuring durability of all modifications.
shutdown() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Runner
Does nothing.
Shutdown - Class in
Opens a database and then calls shutdown.
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType.Category
Category for clean shutdown operations.
SHUTDOWN_CLEAN - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventType
shutdownNow() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Runner
Does nothing.
signal(Latch) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Latch.Condition
Signals the first waiter, of any type.
signalAll(Latch) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Latch.Condition
Signals all waiters, of any type.
signalTagged(Latch) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Latch.Condition
Signals the first waiter, but only if it's a tagged waiter.
skip(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Moves the Cursor by a relative amount of entries.
skip(long, byte[], boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Moves the Cursor by a relative amount of entries, stopping sooner if the limit key is reached.
Snapshot - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Control object used to capture a database snapshot.
SnapshotReceiver - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.repl
Receiver-side object for controlling the transmission of a database snapshot to a new group member.
snapshotRequestAcceptor(Consumer<SnapshotSender>) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Install a callback to be invoked when a snapshot is requested by a new group member.
SnapshotSender - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.repl
Sender-side object for controlling the transmission of a database snapshot to a new group member.
socketAcceptor(Consumer<Socket>) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Install a callback to be invoked when plain connections are established to the local group member.
socketFactory(SocketFactory) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.repl.ReplicatorConfig
Set a factory for creating new client-side sockets.
Sort(String[], QueryPlan) - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Sort
sortColumns - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Sort
Sorter - Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Utility for sorting and filling up new indexes.
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Aggregator
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Exists
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Filter
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Grouper
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Mapper
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NaturalJoin
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin.Level
source - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Sort
sourceProjection() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Aggregator.Factory
Returns a comma-separated list of source columns which are needed by the Aggregator instances.
sourceProjection() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Grouper.Factory
Returns a comma-separated list of source columns which are needed by the Grouper instances.
sourceProjection() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Mapper
Returns a comma-separated list of source columns which are needed by this Mapper.
sources - Variable in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.Set
SpilloverPageArray - Class in
Combines PageArrays together in a sequential fashion.
STANDBY - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.repl.Role
Standby members receive replicated data, they can proxy writes, and they provide consensus.
start() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Start accepting replication data, to be called for new or existing members.
start(Runnable) - Static method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Runner
start(String, Runnable) - Static method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.Runner
startPos() - Method in exception class org.cojen.tupl.QueryException
stats() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Returns a collection of database statistics.
step() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Scanner
Step to the next row.
step(R) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Scanner
Step to the next row.
step(T) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Grouper
Is called to produce the next target row.
store(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Stores a value into the current entry, leaving the position unchanged.
store(Transaction, byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.View
Unconditionally associates a value with the given key.
store(Transaction, R) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Unconditionally stores the given row, potentially replacing a corresponding row which already exists.
storedChecksum() - Method in exception class org.cojen.tupl.ChecksumException
streamPlan(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a query plan used by newStream.
StreamReplicator - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.repl
Low-level replication interface, which receives messages in a non-delineated stream.
StreamReplicator.Reader - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.repl
Interface called by any group member for reading committed messages.
StreamReplicator.Writer - Interface in org.cojen.tupl.repl
Interface called by the group leader for proposing messages.
STRICT - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.LockUpgradeRule
Rule which rejects any shared lock upgrade as illegal.
StripedPageArray - Class in
PageArray implementation which stripes pages in a RAID 0 fashion.
StripedPageArray(PageArray...) - Constructor for class
subtract(IndexStats) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.diag.IndexStats
Subtract stats into a new object.
suppress(Throwable, Throwable) - Static method in class
Add a suppressed exception without creating a circular reference or throwing a new exception.
suspendCheckpoints() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Temporarily suspend automatic checkpoints and wait for any in-progress checkpoint to complete.
sync() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Durably flushes all committed transactions.
sync() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Durably persist all data up to the highest position.
sync(boolean) - Method in class
Durably flushes all writes to the underlying device.
sync(boolean) - Method in class
sync(boolean) - Method in class
sync(boolean) - Method in class
Durably flushes all writes to the underlying device.
sync(boolean) - Method in class
sync(boolean) - Method in class
SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.DurabilityMode
Strongest durability mode, which ensures all modifications are unlikely to be lost in the event of a sudden power failure or crash.
SYNC_IO - Enum constant in enum class
All file I/O should be durable.
syncCommit(long, long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Returns immediately if all data up to the given committed position is durable, or else durably persists all data up to the highest position.
syncPage(long) - Method in class
syncPage(long) - Method in class
Durably flushes the page at the given index, but implementation might flush more pages.
syncPage(long) - Method in class
syncPage(long) - Method in class
syncWrites(boolean) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.DatabaseConfig
Set true to ensure all writes to the main database file are immediately durable, although not checkpointed.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form