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name() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Index
nameString() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Index
NaturalJoin(String[], QueryPlan, QueryPlan) - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NaturalJoin
NestedLoopsJoin(QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin.Level...) - Constructor for class org.cojen.tupl.diag.QueryPlan.NestedLoopsJoin
nestingLevel() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Transaction
Counts the current transaction scope nesting level.
newAccessor(Transaction, byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.View
Returns a cursor intended for accessing values in chunks, permitting them to be larger than what can fit in main memory.
newAggregator() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Aggregator.Factory
newCipher(String) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
Called to instantiate all Cipher instances, with the given transformation.
newCursor(Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.View
Returns a new cursor over this view.
newDecryptingStream(InputStream) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
newDecryptingStream(InputStream) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ext.Crypto
Called to wrap an InputStream for supporting decryption.
newEncryptingStream(OutputStream) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
newEncryptingStream(OutputStream) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ext.Crypto
Called to wrap an OutputStream for supporting encryption.
newEntry(B) - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.util.WeakPool
Create a new pooled entry which refers to the given object.
newGrouper() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Grouper.Factory
newPageCipher() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
Called to instantiate a Cipher for encrypting and decrypting regular database pages, using the fixed instance algorithm.
newReader(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.MessageReplicator
Returns a new reader which accesses data starting from the given position.
newReader(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Returns a new reader which accesses data starting from the given position.
newReader(long, boolean) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.StreamReplicator
Returns a new reader which accesses data starting from the given position.
newRow() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new row instance with unset columns.
newScanner(Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new scanner for all rows of this table.
newScanner(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a new scanner for all the rows of this query.
newScanner(Transaction, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new scanner for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
newScanner(R, Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new scanner for all rows of this table.
newScanner(R, Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a new scanner for all the rows of this query.
newScanner(R, Transaction, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new scanner for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
newServer() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Returns an object for enabling remote access into this database.
newSorter() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Returns a new Sorter instance.
newStream(Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new stream for all rows of this table.
newStream(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a new stream for all the rows of this query.
newStream(Transaction, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new stream for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
newStreamCipher() - Method in class org.cojen.tupl.ext.CipherCrypto
Called to instantiate a Cipher for encrypting and decrypting header pages and redo logs, using the fixed instance algorithm.
newTemporaryIndex() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Creates a new unnamed temporary index.
newTransaction() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Returns a new Transaction with the default durability mode.
newTransaction(DurabilityMode) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Database
Returns a new Transaction with the given durability mode.
newTransaction(DurabilityMode) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new transaction which is compatible with this table.
newTransaction(DurabilityMode) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.View
Returns a new transaction which is compatible with this view.
newUpdater(Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new updater for all rows of this table.
newUpdater(Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a new updater for all the rows of this query.
newUpdater(Transaction, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new updater for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
newUpdater(R, Transaction) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new updater for all rows of this table.
newUpdater(R, Transaction, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Query
Returns a new updater for all the rows of this query.
newUpdater(R, Transaction, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Table
Returns a new updater for a subset of rows from this table, as specified by the query expression.
newValueInputStream(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ValueAccessor
Returns a new buffered InputStream instance, which reads from the value.
newValueInputStream(long, int) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ValueAccessor
Returns a new buffered InputStream instance, which reads from the value.
newValueOutputStream(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ValueAccessor
Returns a new buffered OutputStream instance, which writes to the value.
newValueOutputStream(long, int) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.ValueAccessor
Returns a new buffered OutputStream instance, which writes to the value.
newWriter() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.MessageReplicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
newWriter() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
newWriter() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.StreamReplicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
newWriter(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.MessageReplicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
newWriter(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.Replicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
newWriter(long) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.repl.StreamReplicator
Returns a new writer for the leader to write into, or else returns null if the local member isn't the leader.
next() - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Moves to the Cursor to the next available entry.
nextLe(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Moves to the Cursor to the next available entry, but only when less than or equal to the given limit key.
nextLt(byte[]) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Moves to the Cursor to the next available entry, but only when less than the given limit key.
NO_FLUSH - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.DurabilityMode
Durability mode which writes modifications to the file system when the in-process buffer is full, or by automatic checkpoints.
NO_REDO - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.DurabilityMode
Weakest durability mode, which doesn't write anything to the redo log or replication manager.
NO_SYNC - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.DurabilityMode
Durability mode which permits the operating system to lazily persist modifications to non-volatile storage.
NON_DURABLE - Enum constant in enum class
File contents don't persist after an OS crash or power failure.
NORMAL - Enum constant in enum class org.cojen.tupl.repl.Role
Normal members receive replicated data, they can proxy writes, they provide consensus, and they can become the leader.
NoSuchRowException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when attempting to read or write against a nonexistent row which was expected to exist.
NoSuchRowException() - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.NoSuchRowException
NoSuchRowException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.NoSuchRowException
NoSuchValueException - Exception Class in org.cojen.tupl
Thrown when reading from an accessor stream, for a value which doesn't exist.
NoSuchValueException() - Constructor for exception class org.cojen.tupl.NoSuchValueException
NOT_LOADED - Static variable in interface org.cojen.tupl.Cursor
Empty marker which indicates that value exists but has not been loaded.
notify(EventType, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.cojen.tupl.diag.EventListener
Nullable - Annotation Interface in org.cojen.tupl
Annotation which indicates that a column value can be null.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form